Chocolate Shoppe - Hershey's Chocolate

Fun Shui Studios brought a fresh creative vision to Hershey's entry into digital media with "Chocolate Shoppe," a music video that breaks conventional boundaries. Beginning with a cinematic introduction, the piece transitions into an unexpected bass-heavy, slow moving rap song, showcasing our studio's ability to challenge and redefine brand perceptions.

This innovative project was achieved through a lean production model, casting Hershey's own employees to add authenticity and reduce costs, proving that memorable and impactful media doesn't need to carry an extravagant price tag. The efficient use of resources and creative ingenuity culminated in a piece that stands as a testament to what can be accomplished with thoughtful planning and creative foresight.

The production of the song itself, produced in partnership with You Too Can Woo, exemplifies our capability to deliver high-quality creative outputs efficiently. This approach ensures that even projects with more modest budgets can achieve a high level of professionalism and engagement, making top-tier creative work accessible to businesses of all sizes


"Computer Friends" (Stack the Memory) by Sniper Twins (ft. Rob Collier)


HEROIC - World Servant Alliance